Tuesday, 9 October 2012

HAVE FAITH! Hebrews walkthrough - Day 1

1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. 3 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. 4 So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs.
(Hebrews 1:1-4)

The weather this summer has been truly horrendous - wet, miserable and frequently cloudy. A gloominess pervades the nation still now. I sense it even amongst Christian friends.

Sometimes we are prone to weather-affected faith crises, I think.

We let the clouds of life - the busyness, the stress, the commitments, the family, the chores, the bills, the holidays - crowd into our skies and we are starved of the sun.

When this happens I think we stop believing the sun will shine again - we may even doubt the sun's existence. This week I read about the year of dark (536CE) where there was virtually no sun for a year - its effects were catastrophic. And let's not think this is not a serious health issue - a lack of sunshine causes all sorts of vitamin deficiencies - including Rickets - a condition reemerging in our country.

We become spiritually unwell when we are taken out of the shine of Jesus - if his glory.

This passage is such a bold statement of Jesus, who he is and what he does. It should bring life to our aching and tired limbs - it should fill us with enormous confidence.

Seven characteristics are listed:

He is...
...the heir of all things
...the creator
...the radiance of God's glory
...the exact representation of God
...the sustainer
...the sacrifice for our sins (the purifier)
...and he is seated at the right hand of God

Working backward what does this mean?

He is ascended into heaven - seated with God. This means he is the Lord, the ruler...now! Not in the future - he is King of the universe as I write this. Don't let anyone try and trick you that Jesus' lordship is conditional on our responses or ability to resist - he is Lord now.

He offered himself as a perfect sacrifice for our sin. Do you feel weighed down with guilt, or despondent that your life is in a rut - Jesus redeems your life! It is finished. Yes - you are a sinner - but he has dealt with your sin. Day by day I struggle with my fallenness - my sin. I need to be reminded every day that Jesus has dealt with this. I am morally right with God.

He sustains me, therefore, by the breath of his spirit and the power of his word. Jesus sustains the universe. He wills me into being, sustains my life - but also equips me with his Spirit and Word to live life in his footsteps.

And in case I worry that Jesus is just a righteous man, or I believe those protesting voices - this passage affirms that JESUS IS GOD - he is the "exact representation". He is the Father's son - he is not part God, he is totally God. I'm not worshipping a wanabe, I'm worshipping the one who is worthy of our worship. Sometimes I think people are embarassed by the Jesus-love-in, but given who he is, and what he is in his nature I am profoundly moved to worship - for God is worthy.

In Jesus face we not only trace the nature of God, but the glory of God too. We catch glimpses of it in Scripture - the Transfiguration, the appearance to John on Patmos - Jesus is a heavenly being. John writes that "we have seen his glory - the glory of the One and Only" (John 1:14). What difference should these last two facts make to my day...I should be deeply enthralled. Can you imagine what it will be like to finally stand before Jesus, to see him as he really is, when we compare him to the most beautiful, attractive people, or the staggering beauty of creation...we shall be filled with awe and wonder - my response is to worship. And when I look at the struggle of my life - the challenges and disappointments - I am glad the Bible reminds me that I will not be disappointed when I reach heaven.

And yet... I worship Jesus not only for his nature - his inherent God-ness - but because of his glorious work in creation. Yesterday evening was a perfect autumnal sunset - the misty day giving way to a chilly night, with the light fractured into a myriad shades and colours - beautiful. And he designed it.

Finally (firstly), we are told Jesus is the heir of all things. He came to us - setting aside his glory - and after suffering, death and resurrection was welcomed back into heaven where God has passed everything to Jesus - power, glory, honour, majesty...everything.

And here's the remarkable thing - we share in this:
"If we are children, then we are heirs-heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ" (Romans 8:17)

We shall in some strange and mystical way share in Jesus' majesty when we attain to glory.

However, Paul says this will be so if we share in his sufferings (Rom 8:17).


So what...........

Today - right now - whatever you are doing - STOP!
Are you discouraged?
Are you in despair?
Are you doubting Jesus?
Are you facing challenges to your faith?
Are you thinking of jacking it all in?


Look to Jesus - look at his glory, his forgiveness, his nature, his creation - he is above all - the one and the only.

Be encouraged that your faith is not in vain.

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