Saturday, 19 May 2012

Hope &'s started!

Sorry to keep banging on about this, but now it's started it would be rude to not remind you what you might potentially be missing out on.
Last night saw the Cathedral full, which in itself is an amazing spectacle!

You know something's caught people's imagination when congregants are arriving with over half an hour before the service starts. Normal church services are like film screenings - you know if you arrive five or ten minutes after the start you won't have missed much - maybe the notices! This is not like a usual service...

At 7.25pm the Band (the Hope and Gamble band...hmmm...we do need a better name!) played 'I've come to wash my soul'...a little known Graham Kendrick number from a few years back....(although as I write the name Graham Kendrick I can already sense Robin was right when he said this was a more radio 2 event than radio 1)

At 7.30pm on the nose (again - rare) we started.

Robin and Sue traded jokes and amusing anecdotal stories of their sporting prowess - related to the overall Olympic-related theme of 'More Than Gold'.

We then enjoyed a period of worship (Crown Him With Many Crowns sung with enormous vigour by the congregation!); interviews with Richard and Paul Walker - Bradfordians, brothers and both vicars (you can follow Paul on Twitter @paulwalker71); then a beautiful song by the talented John Froud.

The H&G Band then led the congregation in 'At The Foot Of The Cross' leading into 'My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less' - both songs not usually sung across Bradford churches but picked up easily.

Robin then spoke with pathos, humour, clarity and passion about the difference Jesus brings. He used the metaphor of a mile race - typically four laps of an athletic track - and he encouraged us to think about where we all the main (without being cruel) many people last night would be late lap 3/lap 4 - sobering. But with his visual aids Robin demonstrated the stark reality of eternal life with Jesus.

In response we sang Amazing Grace - with an opportunity to respond individually as well - either for healing prayer - or to commit to a life with Jesus.

As a team member, it is sobering to see God at work - to reflect on how this one event, these evenings, sometimes just fragmentary moments totally transform a person's entire life - forever.

Perhaps you might want to bring someone - or bring yourself. 2 nights left: 7.30pm at Bradford Cathedral.

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