Today's commemoration in the lectionary is for a chap I'd never heard of...Richard Baxter. Good old Wikipedia has a good article on him.
However, I was stunned to find a piece on Baxter by Leonard Ravenhill, who I have mentioned before as a truly inspirational preacher. Unsurprisingly, the piece (click here for piece) focuses on Baxter as a preacher. READ IT!
Ravenhill is concerned that those who preach do so with a passion to see people saved, but not cheaply. There has to be an agonizing over the souls of those preached to. Do we agonize over sin around us? Do we have a passion for the gospel?
I was surprised to note that 'Ye Holy Angels Bright' a hymn often sung on All Saints Day, was penned by Baxter. I really enjoyed learning this hymn last year and the words (as with most hymns) are inspirational:
Ye holy angels bright
Who wait at God's right hand
Or through the realms of light
Fly at your Lord's command
Assist our song
For else the theme
Too high doth seem
For mortal tongue
Ye blessed souls at rest
Who ran this earthly race
And now, from sin released
Behold the Savior's face
God's praisees sound
As in Hig light
With sweet delight
Ye do abound
Ye saints who toil below
Adore your heavenly King
And onward as ye go
Some joyful anthem sing
Take what He gives
And praise Him still
Through good and ill
Who ever lives
My soul, bear thou thy part
Triumph in God above
And with a willtuned heart
Sing thou the songs of love
Let all thy days
Till life shall end
Whate'er He send
Be filled with praise
Stop and Ponder: We Will See God.
3 days ago
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