The Witness of John
Sunday 29 August 2010
The first part of the ‘Call the next witness’ series at Cafe Church.
John 3:22-36
Paul Ayers preached on two points:
1. Who John the Baptist is not
John explicitly states he is NOT the messiah (Jn 3:28)
Application: All people should point away from themselves to Jesus. Do I, by my actions, try and claim the glory for myself, failing to give Jesus the honour due him?
2. Who Jesus is
John points to Jesus as the bridegroom of his people. Three great claims:
a. Universal REVELATION (v. 34)
“The one whom God has sent [Jesus] speaks the words of God”
There is a fullness to the revelation of Jesus, both his words and life. There is no one else on earth we might turn to; it’s not ‘Jesus +’. The key word: UNDERSTANDING
Application: As revelation we can learn new things about Jesus and from Jesus, in his word. We should also be deepening our understanding of his thing. Are we receiving fresh revelations? Are we deepening our understanding?
b. Universal AUTHORITY (v.35)
“The Father…has placed everything in his hands”
(cf. Colossians 1:16; Hebrews 1:1-3)
Jesus has been given authority in creation, in judgement, but also in everything between. God in Jesus is at work in events now. The key word: PROVIDENCE.
We show our belief in God’s activity by a) Thanking Him, and b) praying to Him.
Application: Do we act in full belief that Jesus is in control of every circumstance, situation and crisis. Or do we act as though we are unwittingly tossed about by the storms of life waiting for heaven?
c. Universal SALVATION (v.36)
“Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life”
Having eternal life is not a transaction. I turn up to heaven with a card proving that I believe Jesus and am therefore saved. I do not get saved because I had faith in Jesus. The act of believing in Jesus is the act of salvation, for it is by grace we are given the faith to trust Jesus. Key word: RELATIONSHIP.
Therefore, to have a relationship with Jesus is to be saved.
Application: Do I see my salvation as a by-product of my beliefs, or do I seek to cultivate a relationship with Jesus?
In conclusion, it is important that we are reminded that the words quoted above are John the Baptist’s. It is as though he is stood before us saying: “The one whom God has sent [Jesus] speaks the words of God. The Father…has placed everything in his hands. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life”. We are called to respond to this witness.
Stop and Ponder: We Will See God.
3 days ago
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