When was the last time I was bored? Do I lead a boring life?
“Boring” is such a powerful criticism. We fear our lessons being labelled ‘boring’, or worse that we ourselves are seen as somehow boring.
But I wonder if I do get bored, perhaps bored too easily. I look at my little boy (who admittedly is only 21 weeks old) and I see a personality emerging, a personality that is fundamentally curious interested, but seemingly quickly bored. He needs to be on the go all the time. We have friends whose now very bright toddler, has always been quickly bored. Or was it a more easily distracted disposition?
I wonder whether this is a distraction thing (as opposed to boredom), because I think I have this problem.
Firstly, I think I am so worried about what people think, that I actively encourage a hectic lifestyle. This lifestyle means we couldn’t possibly be labelled boring, but at what cost?
But then secondly, I very quickly start new projects, but don’t finish them. Is it that I get bored of the many ideas, or that a newer/fresher idea pops up that piques my interest more?
This may seem a bit nit-picky, but I can’t help worrying that this is all realted to my weight battles and eating habits. I wonder whether I eat from boredom? Or maybe as a distraction? Or maybe it's about something deeper? Emotions.
Where do I derive my emotional pleasure? Where do my endorphin releases come from? I eat because I say "I'm hungry", when I know in truth I’m not hungry.
There are two real reasons: the feeling (it is a pleasure) and from boredom (it’s something to do)
But this is a scary idea. Am I bored at home? Have I forgotten how to enjoy the company of my wife – chatting to her about anything and everything, or am I bored of the same old conversations? Am I so paralysed by fear of boring-ness that I resist doing things that might eventually lead to balance and comfort and a settled lifestyle for fear that people will see this 'growing up' as getting boring?
Or am simply stressed?
Or maybe I’m wired to be distracted and bored easily?
I posit this idea because I do think I’m a certain type of person who needs to constantly look to new projects. I have taken, on many occasions, a typology test, the results of which can be researched further.
In personality terms I am an ENFP (Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving – the opposites being Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging) There are two sites that explain more of what this person is like: http://keirsey.com/4temps/champion.asp, and http://typelogic.com/enfp.html
It’s interesting to note how they suggest that Idealists (the broad category of four types I sit in) need to have alone time to recuperate when stressed. I’ve always battled with Jen (my wife) on this one.
This is a fascinating area for me...one that holds lots more questions than answers.
For certain, I need to review my life patterns and start to complete projects I start.
I also need to stop making excuses and get walking...
Stop and Ponder: We Will See God.
2 days ago